Last week, I visited my brother "T" and his family in Iowa. "T" and I were rabid Star Wars fans as teenagers, so he was surprised that I hadn't yet seen The Mandalorian. We got through most of the episodes before I unexpectedly had to cut the trip short (a story for another time).
One thing that really impressed me about the show was Pedro Pascal's acting. Portraying a character is hard enough, but the Mandalorian says little and always has his face covered by his helmet, at least in the episodes I saw. So Pascal's performance is probably 90 percent body language. And he still does a fantastic job conveying his character's feelings.
(Can you imagine the audition instructions for that role, though? "We need you to emote using no facial expressions and almost no dialogue. Good luck!")
So let's try something similar for Writing-Prompt Wednesday:
Write a scene using only body language to convey the characters' thoughts and feelings. No dialogue or descriptions of facial expressions allowed.
Share your scene in the comments!
Write on,
(Thanks to Michael Marais for sharing their work on Unsplash.)