After the year my family's (live) Christmas tree fell over and made a huge mess, my mom started collecting other stories of holiday disasters. My favorite came from our friend Tammy. The way she told it, a bunch of people came to her house for Thanksgiving one year. They set the table, put out six kinds of pie and all the other food, the whole nine yards. Then, just as everyone sat down to eat . . .
. . . the table collapsed.
Mom: "What did you do?!"
Tammy: "Well, we picked everything up, put it back on the tabletop, and sat on the floor!"
🤣 I mean, what else could you do?
I've also come to enjoy collecting stories like these. (I have a few good ones that I'm saving for closer to Christmas.) Here are some of my favorites:
Inspired by all this, here's today's starter:
What's the funniest holiday disaster you've either experienced or heard about?
Use the social-media links at the top of this page to join the discussion!
Write on and happy Thanksgiving,
(Photo by Jorge Salvador on Unsplash)