Remember a few weeks ago when I asked you guys what sort of services you'd like to see on my website?
Well, they're finally up!
These comprehensive packages enable me to streamline my services so I can give as much attention to each client as they need and do the best job possible for them. I'm excited! Check them out by using the "Services Offered" menu at the top of this page.
Speaking of streamlining, that's my writing tip for today. A principle known as Occam's Razor states, essentially, that if two explanations are equally plausible, the simpler one is preferable. As writers, we often tend to get so excited about our subject that we try to give the readers way more information than they need, or we get ahead of ourselves and get our line of reasoning tangled up. That's a good way to have a reader toss your book across the room in frustration.
Remember the popular internet tag ELI5--"explain like I'm five." Of course, most of us shouldn't literally write to five-year-olds (unless we're writing picture books), but we can use similar techniques:
Explain one concept at a time.
Only tell readers what they need to know right now. (This helps prevent information overload.)
Define any new vocabulary in terms your readers will understand.
Give examples to illustrate important concepts or definitions.
Well, I'm off to attend a barbecue (small, don't worry!). I also need to figure out what I'll do tomorrow to properly celebrate the fact that I've survived another year on Planet Earth. Considering my accident-proneness, that's an achievement! 😉 Any suggestions?
Write on,
(Thanks to Supply for sharing their work on Unsplash.)