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One of my poor roommates is preparing for her nursing-school finals. I'm half listening to the videos she's watching, and one of them reminded me of an amusing episode with my youngest sister, "L."

A few years ago, I took "L" to a kickoff meeting for our church's annual camping trip for the twelve-to-eighteen-year-old girls. The theme for this camp was "Oh, the Places You'll Stand!" (based on the scripture that tells us to "Stand ye in holy places"). So, naturally, the leaders had put up Dr. Seuss-themed decorations. 

"L" saw one of the characters, got a little mixed up, and said, "Look, Candice, it's the Thorax!"


At least she'd paid attention in science class?

So, in the spirit of lightening the mood, here's today's starter for Writing-Prompt Wednesday:

Write about an everyday mix-up that gave you a good laugh.

Post your response in the comments to help us spread some good vibes!

Write on,


(Thanks to Quino Al for sharing their work on Unsplash.)

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