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Updated: Oct 10, 2020

A few years ago, my friend "E" wrote a blog post about minimalism. She said she wanted to reduce the amount of stuff she had until she could fit all her belongings (minus her bed) in her car. 

The older I get, the crazier that sounds. When you have roommates, you can share things like couches, pots and pans, and so on. But when you live alone, as I did for a while, you end up having to buy a lot of stuff. When I moved here from Denver, my little Nissan was as packed as I could get it, and it still took three other vehicles to bring all my stuff down! (Granted, I didn't rent a moving truck that time.) 

But "E's" goal definitely provides food for thought. So that's our starter for today:

Imagine that you have to whittle down your possessions to just the items that you can fit into your car in one load (leaving room for you to see and drive safely). What things would you keep, and why?

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(Thanks to David van Dijk for sharing their work on Unsplash.)

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