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Updated: Oct 23, 2020

I realized I owe you the stories of the two professors I mentioned in the closing paragraph of yesterday's post. Here's the first story, which involves the professor with whom I had serious political differences. (Political junkies, take note: it is perfectly possible to be civil even with someone whose political views are the complete opposite of yours!)

The second story took place around the same time. In one of my first education classes, the professor introduced us to three branches of philosophy: metaphysical, epistemological, and axiological. The day we first encountered these brain-bending concepts, my classmates groaned about having to try to spell them in their notes. This exchange ensued:

Professor (somewhat jokingly): "It's just a little Greek."
Me (tongue in cheek): "Well, that’s the problem, [Professor]. It’s all Greek to us."

I'd had this professor before and knew that she rarely smiled. So when this quip made her laugh aloud, I was thoroughly proud of myself. 😁

From that, here's our Writing-Prompt Wednesday starter:

What's something you've said/written that you're particularly proud of?

Join the discussion in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!

Write on,


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