Years ago, my sister "K" was trying to write a non-cliché fantasy novel. It became a common topic of conversation between her and me.
One of those conversations happened in our parents' van and ended up roping in several other family members. This time, we were talking about reasons for Tylik ("K's" protagonist) to leave home at the beginning of the book. "K" didn't want to use the tired old protagonist's-family-gets-killed-and-their-village-gets-destroyed trope, so we had to come up with something else. Among other things, we discussed the idea of Tylik having to leave as part of an investigation into a murder in the village. Then Mom humorously suggested that Tylik have an enormous zit and leave because she’s embarrassed. This happened next:
Dad (who'd been listening more than participating): "Death and acne. What am I supposed to think of this conversation?"
Me: "You'll think you're in a car full of writers. And you'd be right."
I'm not sure whether "K" ever actually wrote this scene, so I'll turn things over to you guys:
Aside from losing a home and family, what reason(s) could your protagonist have for leaving home to start his/her adventures?
Use the social-media links at the top of this page to share your answer!
Write on,