The other night, I was rereading a partial scene from my current WIP. For context, this scene takes place after the final battle, in which the protagonist defeats the villain by luring him into an unstable tower of her family's castle and triggering a grain-dust explosion that destroys the tower, the villain, and nearly her.
In the subsequent scene—the one I was rereading—the protagonist reunites with her father in the castle infirmary. He got hurt early in the fighting and doesn't know what happened afterward. So the protagonist has the awkward task of telling him that she blew up part of their house. 😱
I mean, a broken window or a squashed flowerbed is one thing. And my impetuous protagonist has had more than her share of those kinds of mishaps. But when you've caused mayhem on this scale . . . where do you even start?
So, inspired by this scene, here's today's starter for Writing-Prompt Wednesday:
One character has to explain a ludicrous mishap to someone whose respect they desperately want. What do they say?
Post the first paragraph of your story in the comments!
Write on,
(Thanks to Dawn Armfield for sharing their work on Unsplash.)